IMSI-catch me if you can: IMSI-catcher-catchers

Android IMSI-Catcher Detector - Android Open Source Projects IMSI-Catchers also allow adversaries to intercept your conversations, text messages, and data. Police can use them to determine your location or to find out who is in a given geographic area at what time. Although our app is fully Open Source, developing it is a lot of work and done by privacy enthusiasts during their free time. IMSI-Catcher Detector on Secure Phone - Secure Group Support The IMSI catchers are yet another way for someone to intercept your mobile device connectivity and compromise your information security. On Secure Phone, there’s a custom app, IMSI-Catcher Detector, that takes care of such threats. It is a monitoring app that scans your surroundings and provides you with an updated map of reliable cell towers.

Some preliminary research has been done in trying to detect and frustrate IMSI-catchers. One such project is through the Osmocom open source mobile station software. This is a special type of mobile phone firmware that can be used to detect and fingerprint certain network characteristics of IMSI-catchers, and warn the user that there is such a device operating in their area.

Source code for our IMSI Catcher Catcher project This is the source code for our paper: IMSI -Catch Me If You Can: IMSI - Catcher -Catchers (2014) Adrian Dabrowski, Nicola Pianta, Thomas Klepp, Martin Mulazzani, Edgar Weippl Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2014 Please be aware, this is not a PUBLIC beta now. Run With an old version of gr-gsm. Open 2 terminals. In terminal 1. sudo python3 --sniff You can add -h to display options. In terminal 2, search a frequency to listen : IMSI-catchers are able to track the movements of individuals to an accuracy of 10 feet, but police have the capability to gain more precise location information by moving the IMSI-catcher and

Mobile Security and IMSI-Catchers | Secplicity - Security

IMSI catcher is a surveillance tool that masquerades as legitimate cell-phone towers, tricking phones within a certain radius into connecting to the device rather than a tower. There are countless YouTube videos and blogs that talk about IMSI catcher, which are popularly known as Stingrays in the United States. Android IMSI-Catcher Detector | Android IMSI-Catcher Detector. An open source app to detect fake base stations (IMSI-Catcher / StingRay) as well as silent SMS in GSM/UMTS networks on your mobile phone. SMART INSTALL IMSI-catcher AND SNIFFING GSM TRAFFIC ON Open 2 terminals: In terminal 1 entern in the desktop directory to save UnZip Oros42/IMSI-catcher and insert: sudo python --sniff. You can add -h to display options. In terminal 2 insert (example): gr-gsm-livemon –f 939.9M