github - How to configure Git user name and email? - Ask

Mar 03, 2019 · As you see above, there is tag called [user] all git clients including smartGit picks up that username, email and will push using that setting. This is a big problem for your Work and Personal Github or Bitbucket account. You need to be very careful before committing to each repository. git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name" git config --global user.password "your password" To set the identity only in current repository, remove --global and run below commands in your Project/Repo root directory Mailpl0it is a small utility that hunts the homepage of exploit-db looking for user supplied quer(y/ies) and notifies the user via email if an exploit is found for the supplied query. - bad-bit/mailpl0it $ git submodule foreach --recursive 'git config "Your Name" && git config ""' 2. then do a rebase: $ git rebase -i HEAD~1 # git brings up your editor.

github-email Retrieve a GitHub user's email even if it's not public. Pulls info from Github user, NPM, activity commits, owned repo commit activity.

Git - 初次运行 Git 前的配置 $ git config --global "John Doe" $ git config --global 再次强调,如果使用了 --global 选项,那么该命令只需要运行一次,因为之后无论你在该系统上做任何事情, Git 都会使用那些信息。 Solved Visual studio Code make sure you configure your Output shows Git need to configured with global settings and few commands need to be run, To correct this open CMD prompt, by default git is installed under C:\Program Files\Git\bin. cd to the location and run below command. cd C:\Program Files\Git\bin. git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name"

Author names in Git - Azure Repos | Microsoft Docs

The Best Git Tutorials - Nov 21, 2019 Set email aliases | Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Support